Looking for something relaxing to do over break? How about curling up with a great book!
We will have Winter Break Book Clubs! There are two options:
1) Ebook: Felix Ever After by Kacen Callendar
Link: https://soraapp.com/library/nycschools/search/query-kacen/libraries-310229,310089,89,37,62/page-1/310229/4884301
New to Sora? Check out this tutorial: bit.ly/bthssora
2) Print Book (pick up in library any period but 3rd, even if we are closed): The House of The Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Sign up here: tinyurl.com/BTHSbookclub21, Zoom meet to discuss (optional) Tues Jan 4th, 4:30-5PM
